
Real Estate Investment


Real Estate Investment


Laval économique wishes to support investors with real estate development projects in the Greater Laval area. Thanks to the involvement of our seasoned experts, you will find information essential to your project in this section.

Find out more in just a few clicks

There are certain steps that you must take before you can benefit from our support services. The first is to get informed. This section covers the following subjects:


  • Types of projects that benefit from our support services 
  • Our support service process
  • Essential links and documents
  • Access conditions 
  • Applicable municipal regulations and application forms

Support for strategic real estate projects

Projects served by municipal infrastructures and projects that require them can benefit from our support.

Site search and expansion

A service geared to companies and investors interested in real estate development projects on existing lands or buildings.

Tax credits

Significant financial support in the form of two property tax credit programs for businesses with building expansion or modernization projects.

Encourage all forms of real estate investment

Laval économique is standing by to support you with your real estate investment projects. Whether you are undertaking an industrial, commercial or mixed-use project or a major residential real estate project, we have the resources required to guide you in the right direction.